Aquí os presento mi primera empanada!!!!
(English version:)
Natalia, an ex-co-worker of mine, passed the following recipe on to me. She has two small children, so she is forced to be continually creative in the kitchen for her kids. A couple of nights ago, while talking on the phone, she told me she makes an “empanada” (meat-pie Spanish style) they loved. Even though I have a few recipes to make “empanada” dough from scratch, I’ve never even tried to make them until now. She, not only gave me the recipe, but also passed on a “trick” from a neighbor of hers. She told me it is the easiest recipe, and I went ahead and made it right away (with only just one or two small changes and additions on my part). It took me only a few minutes to make…
Here it is…
1/2 kilo flour
½ cup of water
1 cup of sunseed flower oil (Me: Olive oil extra virgin)
1 egg
1 beaten egg yolk (to paint the surface)
½ cup of fresh squeezed orange juice
1 tsp of salt
25g active yeast
For the trick:
1 cup of water with a tsp of salt (well dissolved)
For the filling:
Bacon bits
5 hard boiled eggs cut in halves
(Me: a sauce made of: ½ onion and ½ green pepper cut in julienne
½ can tomato sauce
1 clove of garlic, minced
Stir fry all ingredients (in olive oil). Wait until it cools down. On a kitchen robot, blend so as to obtain a pureé.)
Make a volcano with the flour, in the center, place the egg and add the yeast, sunflower seed oil and orange juice. (Me: I sifted the flour with the salt, mixed the yeast with the ½ cup of water).
Knead until an elastic, non-sticky dough has resulted. (Me: I used the KitchenAid during 3 minutes, Speed 1, and then 4 minutes on Speed 2).
Make a ball, place in a bowl and covered with a cotton cloth. Let it rise until it has doubled its volume.
The Trick:
Take a small portion of the dough, make a little ball with it and place it in the cup of water where we previously dissolved a tsp of salt. When the little ball is dropped into the water, it will go down to the bottom. When the ball had risen to the surface, that means the dough is ready to be worked on.
Divide dough into 2 halves. With a rolling pin, press the dough until its approximately ½” thick. Cover an oven tray with oven paper. Place half the dough, cover it with the just prepared mixture, place bacon bits, and sliced up eggs (well distributed); then cover with the other half of the dough. Fold up the ends, and with a fork, using its teeth, press down on the dough, so as to make sure it is completely sealed. Then brush up surface with the beaten eggs.
Bake at 300º-350ºF for approximately 25-30 minutes (according to oven), until golden brown on top. Let cool down a little on a wire rack before serving.
Es increible la satisfacción tan grande que se siente cuando abres el horno y sacas el pan... cuando lo pruebas.... mmmmm!!!! Si, si, de momento, a pesar que tengo que hacer comidas, preparar aperitivos, la pizza de los domingos, etc,... lo mio es el pan!!!
No se trata de copiar las recetas al pie de la letra, sino de darles siempre un toque que las haga personal añadiendo alguna que otra innovación. Nélida le añadió, en vez de azúcar, melaza negra, y yo agregué Golden Syrup (que, al igual que la harina Granary compré hace un tiempo en The Foodhall), masa madre ácida y pasas naturales que me regalaron Manolo y Julia.
"CONFESIONES DE UNA APRENDIZ DE PANADERA: Este pan lo hice 2 veces. La primera, sin darme cuenta confundí las medidas: eché un paquete completo de harina Granary. Explico que en ocasiones confundo las medidas americanas con el sistema métrico decimal. En este caso, el paquete explicaba que eran 500g (o una libra), y yo no calculé y puse el paquete completo, cuando en realidad tendría que haber sido 1/2 paquete... Resultado: UN LADRILLO!!!"
18.- Cathy, from the wonderful city of Atlanta, Georgia, one of the southern cities of the USA, presents, in her blog "The Bread Experience", the recipe with which she participates in this event: "Altamura (Semolina) Bread" .
Cathy, desde la maravillosa ciudad de Atlanta, en el estado de Georgia, unos de los estados del sur de EE.UU., presenta en su blog "The Bread Experience", la receta con la que participa en este evento: "Pan de Altamura (Semolina)".
20.- Priya, from Paris, the city of lights, the city of fountains and of course, the city of romanticism, in her blog "Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes", participates in this event with her recipe of "Stuffed Spicy Potato Barley Buns." .
Priya, desde Paris, la ciudad de las luces, la ciudad de las fuentes y como no, la ciudad del romanticismo, en su blog otoñal "Priya's Easy N Tasty Recipes", participa en este evento con su receta de "Bollos de cebada con patata especiada rellena."
21.- Irmina, from her delicate blog, "El zurrón de los postres" has participated with this delicious "3 chocolate Bread".
Irmina, desde su delicado blog, "El zurrón de los postres" ha querido participar dejándonos este rico Pan a los 3 chocolates.
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